So Fight One Experience is back… But is it really? People are asking where is Shawn Walsh. Where is Lucas Knight? Where is Nicholas Jaxx? This is what I have to say Fuck ‘em. Out with the old and in with the new is what I say. The Superiority complex and the Order of Chaos are nothing compared to me. Now that may sound arrogant to everyone. Truth to be told I could care less what everyone thinks. I came back to F1X with one mission. Which has nothing to do with three guys who are probably now dancing at some gay pub? I came back to F1X to rectify what has haunted me since the day the place closed.
It is fitting that F1X is back it is like it was reborn. A few years ago while I was here under the alias of Caleb Ayers, I failed to be successful. Yeah sure I won some matches but I have never captured any gold. Although it was a lifetime ago I am still haunted by how pathetic my first stint here was. Everywhere I have been since then I was successful at what I wanted to do. In Revival I was the most hated man. In ASWF I was the Global Champion, in Alpha I was the first XTV Champion and on a fast rise to the top of the promotion. So it now is an obsession of mine to rectify my F1X career. I put to rest the Caleb Ayers persona years ago. I am now focusing on carving my own path under the only name that means anything. From the ashes of Caleb Ayers gave birth to the Iconic Jackson Ford.
Episode 001
Unlimited has been booked and things are moving fast toward the first show. If you had to pick a match that everyone is waiting to see, I can see two contenders, The first one would be Ian Ball sack, yeah I know it’s not his real name hell the idiot doesn’t know who he is anyway if my memory serves correct. He is facing off against Mr. Michael Bessette or Mike as I am sure he prefers to be called. Yes, these two are past champions here in Fight one. Notice I said past, this will be a key word for most of everything I will be talking about. I am not really impressed by these two people to be honest I don’t even remember what title Mike held and well the only reason why Ian had some gold he came in at the right time when they introduced the Primetime championship and only the newly signed talent was permitted to be in the battle royal for that belt. So really this match is nothing more than a publicity stunt that Shawn, and Shane put together to draw interest.
The next match is the return of Namen Hammer as he faces off against yours truly. This match might not mean anything to anyone but honestly when you talk about wrestling gods of the past; the name Namen Hammer comes up. When you talk of wrestling gods of today the name Jackson Ford is a name that is thrown around. I don’t claim to be a god, I am far from perfect and my wife can tell you that. This match is the past vs the present. Icon vs Icon… In my own opinion this match should have been saved and put on a super show card however the front office of this company wanted to make a splash they wanted to make a name. They wanted to show the world why F1X is the only promotion that matters. Namen Hammer vs Jackson Ford will be the match that this company will be measured by.
So It begins…
Namen… Namen… Namen… I feel sorry for you, honestly I really do I could go to any old store and buy a DVD and watch you in action much like I have been doing all day with this match.
Namen Hammer © [DING]
Terminal Frost
ABCW World Title Match.CRAIG: And there is the bell.
The two begin to circle in the center of the ring. Hammer locks up with Frost. Frost slips behind Hammer and tries to lift Hammer up off the mat. Hammer manages to reverse position and get behind Frost and he attempts to lift Frost. Frost blocks it and spins out of the hands of Hammer.
CRAIG: Both guys trying to gain control early here.
PAUL: The fans pop generally for that early exchange. Not sure which way they are going on this one as they are both favorites.
They quickly lock up again, this time Frost manages to get control and arm drags Hammer to the mat. Hammer pops back to his feet quickly, and rushes towards Frost. Frost again catches Hammer with an arm drag take down. Hammer has a slightly angry look on his face as he slowly gets back to his feet.
CRAIG: Hammer rethinking his plan of attack.
Hammer moves towards Frost and the pair locks up again, this time Hammer gets the advantage and manages to get Frost into a headlock. Frost pushes Hammer back to the ropes, and right as the ref starts to count, Frost pushes Hammer off sending him towards the opposite side. As Hammer comes off the ropes, Frost moves towards him and drops down to the mat catching him in a drop toe hold. Frost pops back up to his feet, just to drop an elbow onto the back of the head of Hammer. Frost quickly gets back to his feet and drops a second elbow onto the back of the head of Hammer and rolls him over for the pin. 1…………
CRAIG: It’s going to take a lot more than that to pin Namen Hammer.Hammer easily kicks out at two.
PAUL: Yes it is. But you never know when you might catch the other guy off guard.
Frost gets to his feet and pulls Hammer up with him. Frost sends Hammer flying towards the corner and rushes in after him. Hammer hits the corner hard and slumps down as Frost crashes into him with a clothesline. Frost takes a step back and unloads on Hammer with a European Uppercut. The ref begins his count as Frost unloads several more European Upper cuts.
CRAIG: Looks like Frost is willing to bend the rules a little tonight to win this match.
After the count of four, Frost takes a step back, and grabs Hammer by the head and shoves him to the mat. Frost quickly makes his way to the top rope.
PAUL: Frost going to the top rope, a place he doesn’t often go.
Frost leaps off the top turnbuckle with flying elbow and lands square on the chest of Hammer. Frost quickly hooks the leg for the pin………
CRAIG: Hammer again kicked out.
PAUL: But this time Frost almost got him.
Frost again pops up to his feet, this time he waits for Hammer to get up on his own. JB: I don’t agree with this one. Frost should be on him right now, don’t give him a second to catch his breath.
Hammer slowly pulls himself to his feet, and as he does, Frost makes his move and unleashes a super kick. Hammer steps to the side of Frost’s foot, and leaps forwards dropping Frost to the ground with a huge clothesline. The crowd pops for Hammer’s first offensive move in several minutes. Both men hit the canvas and don’t move.
You see Namen I have all of this information about you. This Match is one of my favorite matches that I have seen of yours, I will show you why just let me fast forwards this match to the ending.
Meanwhile, the match has continued. After another useless pin attempt, Frost is now punching Namen Hammer inside the corner. After an especially fierce elbow strike, Hammer staggers forward. Frost whips him into the ropes, and bounces off the opposite ropes himself... he goes for a clothesline... but Hammer ducks away! Terminal Frost comes running back... and Namen Hammer strikes him down with The Outlaw, his big boot! He goes down as well, and the referee starts counting on both men...1...
3...Suddenly, the crowd turns their attention to the entrance. And there comes Brent Jones running down the aisle!
Craig: What the hell?! This was supposed to be No Interference!
Paul: I fear Jones is up to no good! Ya know, he and Hammer had a feud in SWF!
Brent Jones storms to the ring, and slides in. The referee tells him to leave, but Jones just grabs him and tosses him out of the ring. He looks at the downed men... and then helps Terminal Frost to his feet!
Craig: NO! Another member for PA!!!
Paul: This is awesome! After dragging Disco Stu on board, Terminal Frost manages to recruit Brent Jones as well!!!
The two men walk over to Namen Hammer, and look at other. Terminal Frost laughs, and Brent Jones joins him! And then... Brent Jones kicks Terminal Frost into the guts and delivers the Lights Out DDT!!! Frost is out cold, and Brent Jones drags Hammer on top of Frost! He rolls out of the ring; picks the referee up, and shoves him back into the ring...
3...NO!!! Frost turns out of that pin! Both Hammer and Jones can’t believe it. The ref now comes over and gets jones out of the ring. Jones is forced to leave and go to the backstage area. AS the ref has his back turned, Hammer again moves in on frost... He picks him up, but as he does Frost comes with the low blow. The ref turns around just as Hammer slumps over. Frost slowly rises to his feet, grabs Frost and hits his Ice Breaker... He covers! ...
Craig: The ICE BREAKER! That’s gotta be it!
Craig: What a match!
Frost can’t believe what he sees and picks up the staggered Hammer again. Again he hit his Ice Breaker... He covers! ...
Craig: ANTHER ICE BREAKER! That’s gotta be it! THIS TIME
Kerrie: The winner of this match and the NEW ABCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION TERMINAL FROST!
I guess you can’t win them all Namen even with help from Brent Jones. Seriously I really didn’t need all these tapes as you and I have a mutual acquaintance, in Sean Mason. To be honest I really don’t like the guy all that much but that is a different story for a different day. Growing up in the Mason/Montgomery Sean and I was as close as close could be he took me in and in a way I felt like I was his little brother. He use to take me to events, where I would see you, Terminal Frost, Disco Stu, Judge Naylor, Dave Stanley and even him wrestle. So at a young age I was introduced to wrestling. I will admit though at first my heart was not with wrestling it was with MMA. However I still studied everything I saw. I would stay up every night just writing down what I learned and who I have talked to. I will go out on the limb and tell you straight up I know I can beat you. I am made that way.
You see Namen; you picked the wrong time to come out of retirement even worse Shawn and F1X management picked the wrong person to put you up against. I am focused on one thing and one thing only I am going to send you back to that retirement home where you can play the games with other old washed up wrestlers and like the one game you were telling me about on Twitter the other night. Lets see if I could remember what you said, most of the games you old washed up wreslters and other old fuckes consist of eating mushed stuff and whoever manages to actually swallow his, wins the game!
You see Namen; you will soon realize that I am Excellence by Design. I will focus on your weaknesses and I will exploit them I will use them against you Namen. I will show you and Fight One, why I am Dangerous by Choice. While I am in this mode Namen I might as well go all out and steal a little line from Sean Mason. Namen at Unlimited, You’re Fucked! Which basically the only thing you can do is learn to live with it.
Keeping my word
March 1st 2015
I was just getting settled in back home in Charlotte N.C after living in Knoxville TN for the last few years. I was in the boys’ room hanging some pictures and setting up their bedroom as a surprise for them when I heard the door knock.
I wasn’t expecting anyone and really only our family and close friends knew that we moved back to North Carolina. So with a slight hesitation I stopped with what I was doing and made my way to the front door. I opened the door slowly and to my surprise it was Kandra and DJ standing outside.
“Kandra, what are you guys doing here?” curiosity I asked “Come on in!”> I said as I stepped to the side allowing a pathway into the living room.
Kandra and DJ made their way into the house. The both of them sat down on the sofa while I closed the door. “I would offer you two a drink but right now we are just moving back in.” I said.
“That is ok Jaxy, we just got done eating. Well actually I just got done eating; DJ is cutting weight for the regionals this weekend.” Kandra said as she looked over at DJ who had eye focused into his IPhone.
“I remember those days; I’ve heard he has been doing well this season.” I shook my head thinking about my high school career.
“Jax, remember after Dylan’s death you told me if I ever need you just to say so and you would be there!” Kandra said with a little hesitation as she looked over toward Me.
“Yeah, Kandra and I meant every word I told you. You know your family and I got your back.” I said as I reached out and grabbed her hand.
“Well I need you to talk to DJ, he is rebelling! I can’t get through to him.” She said as she shook her head in shame.
I reached into my pocket and pulled out some money. “Kandra why don’t you go to the store and get some food to cook out on the grill tonight, and then swing by the Sheraton and help Xaria out getting the boys ready to come on over here. I will take care of DJ!” I said as I handed her the money.
She shook her head in agreement, as she stood up. She looked over at DJ. “DJ, I will be right back. So why don’t you put your phone away!” She said as she walked over to the door and exited the house.
I sat there looking at DJ, and the fact that he wasn’t listening to his mother was irritating me to no end. I was thinking of the best way to approach this situation.
“DJ, did you hear what you mother said?” I asked asked
DJ just sat there not answering my question which was really starting to piss me off. I stood up walked over to him gabbed the phone out of his hand.
“Boy, when I ask you something you better reply. I know your mother and Father raised you better than that.” I said to him with a stern tone in my voice.
He reached and tried to grab his phone out of my hand. I yanked it back.
“Give me my phone back asshole, or else!” DJ said as he stood up holding his fist tightly.
I looked at the way he was holding his fist, I chuckled a little bit. “Or else, what? You gonna hit me? Boy that would be the last thing you ever do.” I said.
DJ swung at me unable to connect; I took my right and swatted him upside the head causing him to stumbled backwards back into the sofa.
“You want to try that again or do you want to tell me why you are acting and treating your mother the way you are?” I asked.
“You wouldn’t understand!” he said as he looked at me. “This is my last year in high school. When I graduated my dad was gonna crank up the wrestling training and we had plans.
“I bet you I would understand better than anyone else.” I said. “DJ, your dad and I would talk about the next generation. He would tell me how hard you were training and how much you have improved.
Sobbing he replied “Now what am I going to do? My dad is dead and my training is on a stand still!”
I stood there and though about everything Dylan and I did for each other and I also thought about the promise Dylan and I made to each other. I looked at DJ who was a splitting image of his father I knew that Dylan would want me to do this. “DJ, I made a promise to your father that I would look after you and your mother if something was to happen to him. I am going to keep that promise. I have a box full of training tapes when your father and I would train together. I am gonna give them to you. They will help you while you train by yourself. I am also going to extend and offer to help you train, on two conditions. The first is the most important. You need to treat your mother with respect that means when she ask you something you give her your full attention. Can you handle that?
He looked at me and shook his head in agreement before he spoke. “I can do that, but what is the other condition?”
“If you ever need to talk or feel the pressure of everyday life getting to you. I want you to call me or come see me. I want you to know that I am here for you just like your father was here for me.” I paused for a moment “I want you to think of me as family, because we are.” I extended my hand toward him to shake his hand.
He extended his and we shook hands. “Thanks Jackson!”
I tossed him his phone back, and we sat there and talk for few hours suddenly the door popped open and in ran Christian and Jacques They wasted no time as they ran toward me and DJ and jumped up onto our laps. Kandra came in carrying a bag of groceries; DJ stood up and went over to his mother.
“Mom let me give you a hand.” DJ grabbed the groceries out of her hand as Kandra looked over and smiled at me.
I notice that Xaria was slowly walking into the door; I made my way over to help her in and guided her to the sofa so she could rest. I bent over and gave Xaria a kiss and then I kissed her tummy. “Baby, you and Kandra can sit back and talk and let us boys fix dinner for everyone.” I said as I grabbed Christian and Jacques hands and headed toward the kitchen where DJ was at.
Scene fades