
Back at it again

So here I am, yet again Fight One. My last run here was kind of a fuzz I know I main evented the first card against Namen Hammer. We all know how that turned out. Then I got to face an old foe again in Mac Bane, this time the outcome was in my favor. Then everything after that is a total fuzz I am not sure if I had any more matches after that during that period of time in my life I was more focus on my personal life rather than my professional life. My Personal life is still a total clusterfuck but there is nothing I can do about that but however I can turn my professional life around and takeover Fight One. I have had some form of success in 90% of the companies that I have wrestled for there is only two where I didn’t do so well the first being Revival Wrestling. In Revival the powers that be there and I didn’t mesh so well so I found myself being fed to the big dogs of the company on a weekly basis. Hell I even found myself losing to an imaginary person. So I packed my shit up and left Chicago and landed on my feet wrestling for a major organization. I gained momentum and success until I found myself in New Jersey on the Boardwalk I entered that company and was given Main Event status along with two of my friends, however after one couldn’t find his way out of the desert it was left down to me and Logan, but Logan left and it was me all by myself fighting a war. Let’s just say that I found myself on the outside of Boardwalk looking in. I went on to wrestle for a few companies afterwards having success but nothing ever fully fulfilled my thirst. I came to the relaunch of Fight-one thirsty and hungry to find myself a place to call home. However as I stated before personal life a new baby etc. Well I am back and I am thirsty.

Change is coming

What I have done in the past means crap here in Fight One. I know that. The saying is not what you have done in your past. It is what have you done lately? Well honestly lately I have done jack diddly shit. I sat at home watching reruns on the television and taking care of my kids. Don’t get me wrong I love spending time with my children and nothing will ever top that feeling. However it is my duty as a father to provide a living for them and what better way to provide a living then kicking ass. In the past I wrestled because I wanted to. Now I wrestle because I have to. It is the only way I can unleash the burden I feel the hate I have and the desire to reclaim my place among the elite in this business. So as of this moment the loaded gun is dead. Change will happen change in the foundation of this company change in the structure of this company, and Change in the competition. In order for Change there must be sacrifice.

The sacrificial lamb There is always someone who people consider are doing well take for instance you have the fight one champion Myke Adams. Each week they put some pathetic excuse for a wrestler who they think deserves a shot at Myke, in front of him and each week he defeats them. What they are doing is sacrificing individuals to a monster. I’ve known Myke a while we go back to the Anti-Establishment days. The charade that he is putting on is not the real Myke Adams. Adams is a lion and those who goes up against him are lambs. What does Adams have to do with my match? Believe it or not He has everything to do with my match. You see I didn’t leave Revival with nothing. During my time there I had the pleasure of learning a few things from Myke Adams and Aaron Blaize. There are only a few people who I would give credit for making me who I am and well those two are at the top of the list. However, that is beside the point those two turned me into a blood thirsty lion and well Fight one has given me the lamb who is Dryan Xiety.

You see Dryan there are two ways of thinking about this match the first way you can think that the powers of this company thinks highly of you and giving you a chance to prove them right. Or the one that makes more sense. Honestly I really don’t know much about you and what I do know doesn’t impress me much.

Wrestling is Dangerous

Dryan, I am going to give you a little history on this sport we call wrestling. I have grown up in this business my older foster brothers wrestled you have Sean Mason and you have Eric Mason. Sean was mediocre at best, and well Eric at a young age people could see him going far in this business but at the young age of 24 during a match he landed wrong and broke his neck and within hours he passed away. It had an everlasting effect on me. I know what could happen in the ring, I know that during each and every match there I compete in there is a chance I might not make it out of it. Wrestling is Dangerous by Design I accept my fate. The question is do you accept your fate?

Excellence by Design

Dryan do you know what it is like to be flawless? I do. I am not saying that I am perfect but what I am saying that inside the ring my moves are flawless. Yes I have loss some matches and yes I am not afraid to admit it. Will I win this week? I plan on it. Do I expect you to show up? Not really. Do I have a particular strategy to the match? Yes. It is no secret you are the first to find out why I am Excellent by Design and Dangerous by Choice.


In Life a change is necessary. In Life love turns to hatred.

This chapter in my life has finally come to an end and I could not be happier. People who I trusted told me it would happen but I chose not to believe them I chose to follow my heart. Well my heart was living life on the edge. A few years back I gave my heart to Xaria and together we built a life together with three wonderful and amazing children. She became my weakness as I would have done anything for her hell I have done everything for her.

Chicago, Revival wrestling I was put in a match against one of her friends The British Bomber. A match that I should have won easily as he was nothing but a waste of space. Xaria knew I could hurt him, so she begged and pleaded with me not to wrestle him. She wanted me to prove my love to her, being the competitor I am I went out to that ring I was ready to represent the Anti-Establishment and prove that change was necessary. I stood in the middle of the ring that night as I waited for him to come down to the ring I glanced over at Xaria who was sitting ringside she said prove it. So once the match started I stood there and allowed the British Bomber beat me. No matter how bad I wanted to hit him back. I didn’t I allowed him to literally beat me. After the match she came into the ring and smiled and thanked me.

Throughout our relationship she would allow her friends and family berate me and put me down and not once did she step up and defended me she always took their side. Each and every time she chipped away at me and soon the love I had for her would start to fade. It wasn’t till Alpha where I was on an uphill climb to be the Alpha Dog when I saw Xaria true colors emerge. An old flame from my American Assassin days signed up to wrestle for Alpha, Ahalya Patel a sweet and innocent girl who I had a fling with years ago, someone now who I consider to be like a sister to me. Xaria accused me of being in love with Ahalya and she used that to run into the arms of her best friend William Mason. The truth about Xaria is that she never loved me she just wanted to keep me down. Well Realization finally set in and it’s time for a Change.

So Hard
Fords Residence
Charlotte NC

It’s 1:00 pm and I finally got Penny down for a nap, with her sleeping and the boys sleeping and Xaria off doing god knows who, yeah who. I figured it would give me time to pack my belongings without any interruptions. I pulled the suitcases out from under the bed and positioned one to the left and one to the right of me. As I sat next to my dresser I opened the drawer and started taking my clothes out and putting them neatly into the suitcases. While pulling out some t-shirts one fell to the floor and as I picked it up it became unfolded allowing me to see the Cancun, Mexico logo on the front of the shirt. Immediately flashes of the proposal flashed in my head. I tossed the shirt over to her side of the bed.

“On man’s trash is another man’s treasure, maybe her new flavor for the week needs a shirt.” I chuckled as I can picture her giving the shirt to some clueless dumbass.

“Daddy... are you sleeping?” Christian yelled out as he peeked his head into the bedroom. Noticing his little sister sleeping he turns back toward Jacques. “Shhh…. Sissy is sleeping” he whispered as he put one finger up against his lips.

”I am over here boys!” I said as I stood up and made my way over to both Jacques and Christian. Jacques has always been the quiet one, but Christian can talk your ear off. I didn’t want the boys to see me packing so I grabbed them by their hands and led them out of the bedroom and into their playroom not noticing that Jacques is quick to notice things. He whispered into Christian’s ear what he saw.

“Duh, bubby Daddy is moving. Mommy is a bed hog. Haven’t you noticed where daddy has been sleeping?” he said.

I was unaware that they knew I was sleeping in the living room, I try to keep my children shielded from the fighting that has been going on between their mother and I. So without hesitation I asked “Christian, you know I am moving? How do you know?”

“Yeah, Daddy bubby and I will help you move your stuff into your bedroom I don’t mind sharing the room with bubby so you can have a room, mommy has a room and sissy when she is older can have my room. He said like he knew what he was talking about.

I took in a deep breath as a sigh of relief for a moment I thought he heard about me moving out from Xaria or one of her quote Friends. Even though I didn’t want to tell my boys that I will be moving out, I knew I had to because who knows what Xaria, or her friends will tell the boys. So as we sat down on the floor in their playroom I looked at both of them as they looked back at me. Hesitantly with a crack in my voice I told them “Daddy isn’t changing rooms. Daddy is moving out.”

For a brief moment it was silent then all of a sudden both Jacques and Christian started to cry. “wh… wha… why daddy? You don’t love us anymore?” Christian ask as he continuing to weeping.

This was tearing me up inside, I hated the sound of my boys crying, and I hated the fact that I had to tell them that I was moving out alone. Xaria told me that the both of us would sit them down and explain to them, but like always I am left to handle the hard things while she is off doing her own. “Of course I love you guys, You two are my little munchkins, You know what I am lucky I get to have two hero’s and the both of you are my hero’s.” a little smile came across their face but still I can see that they was hurting. “I want you two to know that me moving out was not because of you guys or sissy, Daddy and Mommy just needs time apart. I want you guys to do me a big favor though. I need you two to be the men of the house and watch over sissy while I am not around. Can you do that for your dad?” I said as I grabbed them and pulled them in close to me hugging them.

“We can do that dada! Atter all we are your hero! That is what hero’s do, the proptec the little kids. ” Jacques said as he struggled with a couple words but it was clear enough to understand him.

Christian and I was shocked that Christian spoke up, usually he mumbles or doesn’t say anything at all. I think with me telling him that he was my hero gave him some confidence. “Thank you.” I replied as I tackled both of them gently. “Now it’s playtime.” I said as I tickled both of them causing them to laugh.
